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For Authors
Find a Book Club
For Authors
Tell us about you and your work
We respect your time and ours, let's see if we're the right fit.
Full Name
Your Website (If you don't have one type "no site")
What date was/is your book released?
Link to your book (if n/a please give a brief description of it)
What was the goal for your book (how are you defining and measuring success)?
How did book sales go (don't need exact numbers but generally how did you feel about it)?
Current audience size (Book Purchasers, Social Media, Email List, etc.)?
What do you feel is your biggest obstacle to hitting your previous (or new) goals for the book?
Please describe your target customer, who are they, what do they do, what do they like?
Do you have existing digital content products for sale? If so, are they based on this book?
How willing and able are you to invest in the creation of a new product offering & the growth of your brand?
If we move forward, how would you make your community aware of this offering?
Finally, what makes you different from the other authors and why would we be a good fit?
Why is now the right time to get started?
How did you hear about us?
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